What Do I Really Want for My Career?

It’s performance reviews time and there’s a lot on 1:1 discussions, which forces me to pause and take time to think of what I really want for my career.

What do I do best? What work do I enjoy doing? What do I want next? What support do I need?

I have been constantly reinventing myself at work. Recently my aspiration is to be a data scientist and work on cool new technology. I learned Python in my Data Science and Business Analytics course and I really enjoyed using newer technology. I have also learned a lot while reviewing for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification exam. There are so many things I want to learn and have more experience on. I hope I can find the right opportunity for me so that I don’t get stuck and stop growing.

Day 8 Since Positive Result

I went back to work today. I am still coughing and it makes my head hurt when I cough. Technically I can still take a leave of absence but I also just feel like I needed to get back to work. That’s ok I guess…

I took the 6th mock exam for AWS Solutions Architect Associate. I still don’t get 80% right though 😥, which worries me. I have 2 more days before Saturday and like 8 mocks to take. I don’t think I will have the time to take all of it before the exam. I just hope I get the questions that I know the answers to.

It is really hard to remember everything, there are so many terms and acronyms and all of them sound the same. I will give it my best and hopefully I will pass! If not, I hope I can take it again and pass next time!

Working on AWS Solutions Architect Associate

I finished all the training videos on A Cloud Guru. I have taken the mock exams and my latest scores for both mock exams is 92%. So I went ahead and asked for a voucher. I am taking the exam on Jul 2, 2022, Saturday at 8am. It is 4 days from now!!! I surely hope I will pass. I was thinking of taking it on the 4th of July but I also want to enjoy the weekend.

1 week ago (Monday), we found out that daughter had covid. And then I also started having a sore throat so I got myself and my husband tested on Tuesday. My test came back positive while my husband’s came back negative.

I worked most of the day Wednesday but then I was not feeling well that night and took Thursday off. Then I knew I had a lot of work to do Friday so worked the entire morning again.. I was supposed to be on PTO anyway to prep the house for my friend James’s visit. Unfortunately that got cancelled, because of, well.. covid! Damn covid ☹ So my family and I have been stuck in the house for more than a week now. Except for husband’s occassional trips to the store. Myka has been doing great while I still have coughs. 🤢

Well anyway, I do hope I pass this certification exam…