You Goal, Girl!

First Goal: Have a physical activity (walking/ work out/ zumba) every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday for at least 30 mins.

Writing this here so that the universe can keep me accountable. I’ve had this goal every year, for 6 years and I have yet to accomplish it. I am good at achieving my career goals, heck, even financial goals but never my health goal.

But this year, I think I can do it. I need to. Because I will be freaking 40 next year! And the baby who came out of my belly is now in Kindergarten! I need to step up (literally!).

P.S. Credit to the book authors of You Goal Girl for my title. 🙂 I bought this last year (Nov 2021?) and just now started being serious about it. 😀

Monthly Review: July 2022

Social – July was a busy month with birthday parties (almost every weekend!), Myka’s piano and dance lessons, and her piano recital. It was pretty exciting to “go back to normal” and finally see friends we haven’t seen in a very long time. It was also a bit awkward at first because I was still recovering from Covid and still had cough. Our first gathering was after almost 3 weeks since onset of Covid. From what I read online, they say that I wasn’t infectious anymore but the coughs can take a while to heal. I didn’t want to scare my friends off so I tried to control my coughing. But I was a little worried about possibly getting them sick so I put some distance between them and myself. In retrospective, I wish I didn’t feel self conscious about wearing a mask. Note to self: if coughing, wear a mask!

Work – I am learning my new boss’s working style. I like how she gets involved and mentor me. I think I am learning from her about management, requirements gathering (asking lots of questions) and client relationship management. I like learning from others so I am glad she is my new boss.

Career – I’ve been looking at job boards, including those that are internal to the company I’m currently working for. I want to see what is out there and also learning what skills I should acquire. And I’m trying to see how I can get my ROI for the course and certification that I took. I am still seeking clarity on what I really want. I think I really want to grow myself as a manager and learn new technologies along the way. But I also want to have some focus. I’m glad that I’m given the opportunity to take trainings internally so I’m very grateful that my bosses are very supportive of that.

Family- Myka is growing and is more independent. I let her play Roblox and talk to her friend and “ate” (her cousin in the Philippines) through Messenger Kids. Still not a lot of time spent with his husband.

Business – RubMyRib didn’t do well this month. Derek said it set us almost 2 moths back from our target sales. Mostly because of the heat and being closed for 2 weeks when Myka and I had Covid didn’t help either. I think people aren’t going out as much and staying in their homes to enjoy the comfort of the AC.

Health – I started doing Zumba, which is great. I enjoy dancing instead of doing the regular workout, which I find very boring. I am conscious that I am about to turn 40 so I’m trying to be healthier.

2 Weeks of Being a Design Lead

Lessons Learned:

1. Check calendar if someone overbooked you and give a heads up so they can adjust the schedule if you’re really needed in the meeting.

2. Prepare, prepare, prepare!

3. Minimize multitasking especially during important meetings.

4. Reach out to other team members who can help you prep for client sessions.

5. Be a little patient with yourself.

6. Take time for self-care.

Fast Forward 2030

2020 hasn’t been the best year for most, me included. It started with me losing Mommy on 9th of Jan. Then the pandemic happened, the Philippine vacation I planned for 2 years was crushed. Good thing I got my refunds on the plane tickets I purchased. Husband lost his job and I got so busy with work because we have to do pandemic-related projects.

I have to be thankful though, we are still blessed beyond measure. I stil have my job, we get to stay home with our family. Everyone is healthy and I have a thriving garden in my backyard.

So I’m not going to focus on the negativity around me but instead count my blessings and move forward.

Today I want to spend a few minutes of my day envisioning the year 2030. I’ve read scary predictions of 2030 – more wildfires, another pandemic, effects of global warming, etc. But if I have everything under control, how do I envision 2030?

By then I will be 47 (gasp!!!). That’s 3 years before my target retirement from my corporate job. I plan to still stay with my current company (Yeah, I know, I’m an old soul.. despite being in the IT world, job hopping doesn’t sound ideal to me). I dream to be a senior manager by then. I think being an associate manager now, that doesn’t really seem far fetched. This means that I should start building my IT managerial skills now.

My daughter will be 14 by then (OMG, a teenager!). I plan for her to be in a really good school around here. I hope she gets a scholarship. I want her to grow secure and loved. Hopefully she’s not yet into boys by that time but if she is, I’ll make sure to guide her. This means I need to continue to build a relationship with her, spend time with her and mold her into a smart, loving, responsible adult.

My husband would be 45! I hope by then he would have established his career, probably still in the food industry. Maybe we own a restaurant/food truck by then? Not certain, but I think that’s the goal. I will continue to support him in his endeavors.

My family back home, I envision in 10 years, a lot would change. My brothers and sister would have kids – I mean, right now only one of my brothers isn’t married yet. My parents would still be healthy at their 70’s and I will continue to support them. I plan to go home every year, if I can. One thing I realized about this pandemic and losing Mommy this year, is that life is short and money can be earned. Jobs can be found but life, once lost, can not be regained. I plan to save and be intentional about going home, even if it’s only 2 weeks.

The house (I think we’ll stay here, if we can.. I love this property), which I’m refinancing to be only 25 years to pay, should be almost paid. Hopefully I have considerable stocks with the company, I intend not to touch them for my daughter’s college fund and maybe to either help pay off the house/start up husband’s food truck/restaurant/stay as retirement funds. I still think my daughter is smart enough to get scholarships 🙂

As for my hobbies – gardening and crafts, I think I would have a mini nursery (note to self: look into legally propagating plants) and the Etsy shop with Mom would still be thriving – maybe on other platforms?

So 10 years into the future… not much changes with my own life but it seems it will be a lot different for the people I love. The world will be a lot different then. And I would be putting my energy by then on preparing for my retirement. I hope I am still healthy and able to unlock these goals. After I leave the corporate life, I would still be working as a consultant but I want to own my time. For me to do that, I need to build my credibility. I have a lot of work to do. Haha.

Learning AWS – 1

Took Udemy training: “Learn Amazon Web Services (AWS) – The Complete Introduction by Mike Chambers

  • learned about S3, was able to upload file, create a policy
  • learned about Lambda function, did hands on but it is not working, still troubleshooting what could be wrong
  • learned a little background – very short intros about the other AWS services for Storage, Security, etc.

Next Steps:

  • deep dive into EC2