Garden Update!

It’s decided – cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, strawberries, and moringa(malunggay) are my must haves in my garden. These are the ones I eat.

I will also have more roses, clematis, hibiscus, coneflower, and natives. This fall I plan to transplant 2 roses from the front yard because they don’t get enough sun there, and they are not thriving at all.

Also, I will not buy any “dwarf” plant varieties anymore. Who wants to harvest super tiny eggplants?? I don’t know why they are so tiny.. maybe I need to fertilize them.

Plants for 2022

This year I want my gardening to be stress free and want to focus on a few plants.

  1. Peach tree – focus on getting the tree healthy so we can get fruits we can actually eat. I’ve been disheartened when I was so excited to pick a ripe fruit and find out there’s a larva inside. Yuck! So I bought BT and will spray the tree as soon as it arrives. I read that we should spray it when it starts flowering and then 10 days thereafter.
  2. Pomegranate – I bought one this year from FastGrowingTrees, together with the dragon fruit. I hope we get to eat fruits in maybe 2 years!
  3. Dragon fruit – I finally bought one after pondering about it for years. I think it would thrive here in Texas (Zone 8b).
  4. Mandarin citrus tree – It survived the winter and now have new growth on it so who knows, maybe I can get some fruits this year or next year
  5. Blueberry –
  6. Goji Berry
  7. Brandywine tomato
  8. Onions
  9. Watermelon
  10. Pineapple
  11. Herbs
    1. Rosemary
    2. Oregano
    3. Parsley
  12. Flowers
    1. Snail Plant
    2. Zinnia
    3. Snapdragon Tall
    4. Petunia
    5. roses