Invest Now…

Below is taken from the blog of Bo Sanchez of the Truly Rich Club.
Hope you will be inspired to invest in stocks after you read this.

Congratulations, TrulyRichClub Members—You’ll Get 30%+ Profit In One Stock!

My members are happy.

Last February 2013, I recommended to our TrulyRichClub members to buy the stock of a relatively unknown but great company that produces food ingredients.  My simple advice was, “Buy small amounts each month.”

Since a lot of people didn’t know the company, they asked, “Jeepers Bo, I’ve never heard of them before.  Why will I invest there?”

I explained, “Yes, you don’t know this company, per se, but you know the clients of this company.  They’re the country’s biggest food ingredients provider, serving companies like Universal Robina and Jollibee.”

When we recommended this very profitable company last February 2013, its stock price was P6.45.  After 15 months, it’s now P9.25.  That’s a whopping 43% growth.  (Note: To compare, your money in the bank grows at less then 1% a year.)

Some analysts believe that this amazing company will still go up, because it’s got a fantastic future; BUT because we’re very conservative, last week, I already asked TrulyRichClub members to get ready to SELL very soon if it reaches (or almost reaches) our Target Price.  And I asked them to transfer their money to our other recommended companies that we believe still have lower prices, especially one specific company that’s into power-generation.

Oh yes, in the past 15 months of buying this great company, there were “terrible” months when the stock went down, and some asked me, “Bo, I’m freaking out.  Gosh, I’m actually losing money!”

I smiled and said, “You may be losing on paper, but if you don’t sell, you’re not losing.  Just close your eyes and keep buying small amounts each month!”

Today, my TrulyRichClub Members are a happy bunch. Because now, they see their nice profits and understand how this entire thing works.

They realize that investing in the Stock Market isn’t a quick-rich scheme.  They realize that there will be terrible months when the Stock Market is really down and they’ll be terrified—but they also now know that it’s during those terrible months when they earn the most terrific profits IF they buy during those terrible months.  And all they have to do is “close their eyes and keep buying small amounts each month”—and they’ll come out as big winners in the end.

My message?  You have to invest every month for YEARS, and in due time, you’ll earn your MILLIONS.

Friend, do you want to change your financial future?

If you have not yet joined my TrulyRichClub, I’d like to personally invite you to join now.

Here’s why: Moving forward to 2015, I see incredible double-digit growth for MOST of our recommended companies.  Oh yes, there will be the usual “terrible” dips along the way, where you’ll be scared and want to strangle my neck for getting you into this, but in due time, you’ll realize that these dips are when you make the biggest profits if you buy during that time.

Are you ready to make a huge change in your financial future?

Financial Freedom: 7 Jar System

Two weeks ago at the Ortigas Feast, the  series entitled “Happy Healthy Holy Money” was concluded. Bro. Joel together with Mrs. Irma Lasquety, CPA, discussed about the 7 Jar System and ways to invest.

7 Jar System:

Jar 7- Emancipation Fund (20% or more)

This is also called the retirement fund. All of us have to set aside money for our retirement because it is the biggest expense of our lives. Yes, we no longer have to work during this time, but we won’t also have our monthly salary!

I personally wish that our Filipino culture regarding retirement would change. Because right now, a lot of retirees  rely solely on their pension, which is only how much? 3,000? 5,000? And, I am saddened by the fact that a number of pensioners are in debt! Their ATM cards are with lending institutions because they have used it as a “pawn” so they could borrow money. Worse, others don’t even have a pension. They rely entirely on their children for their basic necessities – food, shelter, and health care.

I dream of a time when Filipino retirees would just travel abroad, dine out, treat their grandchildren at Jollibee, get the best healthcare and just enjoy the remaining days of their lives!

Retirement is something that we should all prepare for. This is when most of us get weak or sick and we need people to take care of us. Health care would become very expensive, even if we would get Senior Citizen discounts.

So HOW would you fund for your retirement?

There are many ways..

  1. Get a life insurance. There are  a lot of good insurance companies out there. But I have chosen Sunlife. Nowadays, insurance is already customizable – it can come with health care, mutual funds/stocks, accident benefit, critical illness benefit, and more. If you want to know more about insurance, I have a lot of friends in the industry. I can refer you to them.
  2. Invest in stocks. Like insurance, there are also a lot of good stock brokers out there. My personal choice is Citiseconline. I have written a number of posts regarding that so you can find them here.
  3. Invest in real estate. You can invest in condos, boarding house, agricultural land, or whatever real estate you please.
  4. Build your business. Develop your core skills or your talents. Network. Find an opportunity.

I spend about 52% in this jar.

Jar 6 – Emergency Fund (can be 10% per month until it reaches 300% or thrice your monthly salary)

They say that you should have at least 3 times of your monthly salary in your emergency fund. This would be used when you suddenly lose your job or if there is an emergency in the family. You should put this in an instrument that can easily be withdrawn from.

I like BPI because they have this BPI Direct Saving-Up feature wherein you can set up your payroll account to automatically transfer funds to your save-up account monthly. So you never forget to set aside for your emergency fund.

Jar  5 – Everyday Fund (70% or less)

Because I am frugal, my everyday fund is only around 23%. That already includes condo rent, food, transportation, internet/call/text load, and laundry.

Jar 4 – Empower Fund (5% to 10%)

This is supposed to be spent to empower yourself like investing in good clothing, going to the spa, having your hair or nails done at the salon but usually I spend this for my family/friends (gifts).

Jar 3 – Enjoyment Fund (up to 5%)

This can be used for hanging out with your friends, eating out, watching movies, travelling, or buying new gadgets

Jar 2 – Educational Fund (5%)

We should never stop learning. Pursue your hobbies. Enroll in trainings.

I usually spend this in books and attending seminars/talks/workshops/retreats. I also use this fund to buy painting materials.

Jar 1 – Eternity Fund (10%)

Last but definitely not the least is our Eternity Fund. I have been giving to the church regularly but it has never reached 10%. This February, I prayed that I would give 10% to the Lord and challenge him to take care of my needs and bless my dreams. As if on cue, my mother texted me asking for a donation for the chapel that will be built in our community. And I would need to give 10% of my salary for 2 months.. Hehe. Well, as Sister Rissa said in her talk, make tithing a habit. In the first few months, it would be difficult. But once you get used to it, it won’t hurt your pocket anymore. And God will let His blessings overflow – that is His promise. 🙂

God, our Father, loves us so much and He wants us to enjoy our money. God bless! 🙂

Investing in the Stock Market through Citiseconline

Hi Guys! I am so happy to share to you that my stocks in Citiseconline are UP! And all these positive movement in my stocks, I credit to being a member of TrulyRichClub. A club founded by Bo Sanchez for people who are into the Stock Market.

Bo and his friends give timely advise on what stocks to buy and sell. Since most of us don’t really know the technicalities of the Stock Market, I would advise you to be a member of the club too. To find out more, read about it! I am sure you will really reap the benefits of being a member of the Truly Rich Club – just like me! 🙂

Investing in Stocks Through Citiseconline: A Year After

I’m happy that a lot of my friends have given stocks investment a try. This is really good. It’s really wise to be financially literate while you are young and it’s still okay to take big risks. A lot of people have been asking me about stocks after I wrote my 2 previous posts on investing in the stock market through citiseconline. Well, I am not yet an expert in stocks. And I don’t think I will be in the near future. But by following the good pieces of advice from financial mentors, I know I am on my road to financial freedom. I would suggest that you subscribe to Bo Sanchez’s truly rich club, where he gives advices and tips to the members.

I am also very happy for our country, the Philippines. Our economy is doing good these days! I think P-Noy’s government has established its credibility and integrity. In my opinion, it’s really a big factor. Who wants to do business with cheaters? Integrity is one of the core values that we should all have. From taxi drivers, to street vendors, up to the business tycoons.

According to Bo’s update, ,we are in the right place at the right time! The entire world is not doing well financially but right now, Philippines is one of the economic darlings of the world! Can you believe it?! It really made me sooo happy to read that. And here’s the bigger, bolder, and awesome(r) news: the Philippines is expected to be one of the fastest growing economies from 2010 to 2050!  We could be one of the economic tigers in the world! Amazing, right?!

After a year of investing in the stock market through Citiseconline, I have become more conscious of our economy, politics, and the reputation of the companies that I buy. Investing in stocks is not for everyone. But if you are the type who loves learning and taking risks, then you can give this a try.

Investing in stocks through Citiseconline 2: An Update

The Philippine stock market has been doing good in the last few months and I am very pleased with my stocks. There are occasional downs, yes. But it’s a pretty good investment and learning experience so far. 🙂

I still have so much to learn about investing in the stock market but right now there are a few guiding principles that I follow such as: Choose only GOOD (diamond 0r stable) stocks. I’ve read an article by Warren Buffet about making sure that you buy stocks only of companies whose businesses you understand. What you don’t know, you don’t touch.

Another thing that I need to keep in mind is to buy when prices are low and occasionally, if I have very reliable sources that say that the target price for a certain stock has been reached and it’s time to “let go”, I sell.

The third thing that I keep in mind is to be consistent. I try my best to put take out my budget for investment first before I spend on anything. It’s hard but it’s doable if you’ve really set your mind into it. I’m also lucky to have teammates who share the same passion and discipline of depositing our “investment budget” to another bank account. 🙂

I really hope I can invest and make money through stocks so that I can also retire early..haha. 😀