What I’ve been up to

It’s the Christmas season!


I and my housemates Matel and Jo went to Ayala triangle to see the lights and sounds they’ve set up for this year. Look at the elegant Christmas tree!



My video of the dancing lights is on my cam so I can’t really share them with you now.

By the way, the charity event we conducted last week was a huge success.  A lot of people helped to make it happen. I’m really grateful to everyone who shared whatever resources they had to make the children of He Cares Foundation feel loved. A BIG thanks to you!


These are the loot bags that we’ve prepared for the kids.




This is a sample of the cupcakes that Dale has donated for the kids.

Last week I also watched Samurai X with some of my x teammates. It was fun. 🙂


One of our favourite team bonding sessions is movie nights. Recently we also watched Breaking Dawn2 together. Aside from watching movies, we also love videoke and playing arcade games at WOF or Timezone. 🙂

I’ve also been spending quite some time at the gym with Suzie. We joined the hip-hop dance exercise and the taebo. That’s why my body is aching all over right now. Haha. I miss zumba but I’m sure I’ll have lots of time for that when I go home.



By the way, Suzie knows so much about makeup, fashion, and tons of girly stuff. Now I found a fashion – slash – beauty consultant. 🙂